3December BIKRAM HOT YOGAby admin1010in YogaFit320 Bikram Hot Yoga is a series of 26 Yoga posture and 2 breathing exercises conducted in a heated room. The...
17August VINYASAby malikin YogaFit90 Hot Pilates is bendy-bodied fun in a toasty chamber heated to 95 degrees, but this time classes are less focused...
17August BARREby admin1010in YogaFit9 Barre workouts performed in a heated room and focuses on burning fat to achieve a long and lean body, faster....
17August INFERNO HOT PILATESby admin1010in YogaFit20 A unique new training system which combines Palates principles with High Intensity Interval Training. It’s a challenging, full body, low...